
Meadow: Full-stack .NET Standard IoT platform.

Created by Wilderness Labs

The power of Raspberry Pi in the computing factor of an Arduino, and the manageability of a mobile app.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Debug Boards + Network Stack Hotness
about 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 08, 2018 at 12:15:22 AM

Hey folks! We’ve been heads down working away on Meadow and we got our newly assembled debug boards back on Wednesday! I wanted to talk about those a little bit, and while I’m at it, I thought I would talk a little about how our networking stack works and some of the cool work we’ve been doing there.

First up, our debug boards. Here’s a shot of one of them after I soldered on our headers:

You’ll notice that there are female headers on there for GPIO; I find that unless I’m specifically plugging into a FeatherWing, female headers are much more friendly for use, as opposed to male headers on the bottom that plug into a breadboard.

By the way, here’s a shot comparing the debug and the final form factor of the board (both with the female headers on there):

 I shipped these new boards off to the team around the world yesterday, so now the team will sit down and start validating the various corners of the hardware, specifically for this prototype; the Network hardware.

The last debug prototype didn’t expose a JTAG header for the ESP32 chip, which meant that we couldn’t flash and test it easily. Instead, we’ve been doing our network stack work on an ESP32 dev board. Now it’s time to bring a bunch of that stuff together though. Speaking of network stack...

Network Stack Hotness...

We’ve done some really cool architecture in our Network and comms stack that I think you’ll all dig. In this particular Meadow board, WiFi and Bluetooth functionality is provided by the ESP32 chip, because the STM32F7 has ethernet capabilities but no radio stuff. In future boards, we’ll swap out WiFI and Bluetooth for other gateway technologies like LTE or 5G, LoRaWan, ZWave, ZigBee, etc.

We therefore needed a flexible architecture in which we could swap out various gateway modems and support them with minimum effort as well as provide a seamless API, where you, as the developer don’t have to worry about how network capabilities are provided, but rather, they just work.

Basically, what we’ve done, is turned the ESP32 chip into a generic modem peripheral and written a serial comm protocol to talk to it from the STM32 chip (the STM32 and the ESP32 are connected via UART and SPI, more on the SPI stuff later).

This protocol works like this; when we talk to the ESP32, we send messages over that and have a header that describes what the message is for. For instance, it could be a WiFi message, a Bluetooth message, or any other configurable thing we want to communicate about. So if we need to enumerate WiFi networks, for instance, we send a “WiFi”-headered message to the ESP32 chip, telling it that’s what we want to do, and then it sends those back as it discovers them. When we do a data request to a web resource, we use the same basic pattern, effectively making the ESP32 chip a UART modem.

But there’s some additional magic there; in order to make this a seamless experience for the developer, once you configure your network device, be it telling the F7 to connect to a WiFi network, or in a future model, configuring LTE to connect, once that network gateway has been configured: network calls just work. So if you made used HttpWebRequest, or a System.Net socket call, they go over the configured network device seamlessly, no matter what that physical device is. You just have to configure it and forget it.

The way that we accomplished this, is by creating a network driver that plugs deep into the Mono/.Net stack in a place called the Platform Application Layer (PAL) that knows how to talk to our external modem, via our custom protocol.

The upshot of this is that in the future, we can easily add new gateways and all we have to do is add the appropriate configuration APIs, and then plug in a PAL driver that works for that device. Everybody wins!

Anyhow, if you made it through all this, I commend you. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank You + Next Steps
about 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 10:39:43 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

We’re doubling the Meadow F7 RAM, and releasing the Hardware Hacker’s Workbench reward.
about 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 01:17:42 AM

Hey folks! Exciting times here at Wilderness Labs. We’ve got less than 16 hours to go to close up the Kickstarter, and we’ve got two awesome pieces of news for you.

First of all, we’re doubling the RAM on the F7 Micro board from 16MB to 32MB. This happened through a series of happy accidents, and we’ve decided to go with it. Basically, we went from 32MB of RAM to 16MB of RAM a few prototypes ago, because honestly, for nearly all use cases, we could probably get away with 8MB of RAM. However, we introduced a Bill of Materials (BoM) mistake for the last few prototypes where we accidentally ordered 32MB of RAM. Rather than try to squeeze thirty cents out of our BoM cost, we’re just going to stay with what is already working. Win for everyone.

Secondly, we’re releasing the Hardware Hacker’s Workbench reward. We were going to wait until we hit $125k, but; a) we’re likely to hit that tonight when we’re asleep and don’t want to bother, and b) this gating reward stuff is silly marketing that we’d rather not do. In hindsight, we should have posted it when we finalized it. Another win for everyone.

Thanks to everyone for backing us and sharing with folks you know. And if you haven’t backed us yet, what are you waiting for? If you’re on the west coast, this is it. In the morning by the time you get your coffee and brain awake, the campaign will be closed, and you will have missed out on history.


Wilderness Labs Team.

Wanna see a full .NET app running on a Meadow board?
about 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 12:43:40 AM

When we got the latest prototype boards, we ran into an issue with the RAM configuration that blocked us from running our apps on the board. Yesterday we unblocked and I recorded a video of Hello, World running again on the F7 Micro. You can check it out below:

Only 2 days left to get Meadow! Let’s get to $125k and open up the Hardware Hacker’s Workbench Stretch Reward.
about 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 07:39:26 PM

This is it folks! There’s only two days left to the Kickstarter and campaign backers will receive Meadow boards well before they’re available for sale in retail distributors. If you want to come play with us, you’ve only got hours to go.

And after some requests, we’ve added another awesome reason to back us now. If we reach $125k in pledges, we’re going to add a new reward, the Hardware Hacker’s Workbench.

So do us a favor, tell everyone you know about our campaign; tweet it, Facebook it, call your cousin that’s a .NET developer, post it on LinkedIn, and get a Meadow pack for a friend. We can make this happen!

Hardware Hackers Workbench

Available for $1,000, this is an investment in your future. Are you starting from scratch and want a complete, professional workshop tool set? This is a set of tools for folks building IoT straight out of my own shop:

Wilderness Labs' Workbench
Wilderness Labs' Workbench

This is a fantastic starter kit for people that really want to get their hands dirty. You get a set of hand-picked, professional quality tools and instruments that I have personally vetted and used during the creation of Meadow, including: 

Bench Instruments 

  • Professional Oscilloscope 
  • BK Instruments Digital Multimeter 

Soldering Tools 

  • Hakko Soldering Station 
  • Solder 
  • Solder Flux 
  • Desoldering Wick 
  • Tip Tinner + Cleaner 
  • Solder Fan 
  • Helping Hands 
  • Solder Mill

Hand Tools

  • Needle Nose Pliers 
  • Wire Cutter + Stripper 
  • Micro Cutters 
  • Precision Screwdriver Set 
  • Alligator Clip Test Leads

Expendables and Misc.

  • Heat Shrink Tubing Kit 
  • Heat Gun 
  • Double Sided Tape 
  • 22 Gauge Multi-color Jumper Wire Roll Set
  • 18 Gauge Wire 
  • Lamp Wire 
  • USB Power Adapter 
  • Micro USB Cables

Additionally, it comes with a full 2 pack of Meadow boards and a Hack Kit Pro to make sure you’ve got some goodies to start building with all your new tools. 

  • Hack Kit Pro 
  • (2) Meadow F7 Boards 
  • SWAG Pack
  • Wilderness Labs Mug 

Note: due to shipping complexities, this reward will only be available to a limited number of countries.

So don't delay, back us and share the campaign today!